日時 3月27日(木)
内容 19時30分より JLAコーラス会による合唱(震災テーマソング「花は咲く」など)
19時50分より Impulseジャスカルテットによる演奏 そしてデイナー
(Tel: 26 20 52-981)
28 rue Münster L-2160 Luxembourg
Dinner menu :30€
Tarte fin Tomate & Ricotta et sa salade
Poularde au vin jaune et sa purée maison
Café/thé gourmand (assortiment de gourmandises)
¼ eau
ご予約は TOHOKUチャリテイーコンサート用メールアドレスまで ご連絡ください。charity@jlaluxembourg.org
ご家族、お友達をお誘いあわせの上 多くの方のご参加をお待ち申し上げます。
We would like to inform you of "TOHOKU Charity Concert" organized by Japanese Ladies’ Association of Luxembourg.
Three years have passed after TOHOKU Earthquake of Japan.
JLA wish to continue our support to the people in TOHOKU who are still facing a lot of difficulties to rebuilt their lives.
We would like to send our yale cheer from Luxembourg to TOHOKU through this concert by spreading the bonds of support.
Please come to enjoy a good evening with tasty dinner and performance of Jazz live music by "Impulse Jazz Quartet" and chorus by JLA Chorus Group.
[TOHOKU Charity Concert]
Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 2014 from 19:30
19:30 JLA Chorus Group
19:50 Impulse Jazz Quartet
Address: 28 rue Münster L-2160 Luxembourg
(Tel: 26 20 52-981)
Dinner menu :30€
Tarte fin Tomate & Ricotta et sa salade
Poularde au vin jaune et sa purée maison
Café/thé gourmand (assortiment de gourmandises)
¼ eau
**Please see the attached invitation.
Reservation: Please send your reservation by email to charity@jlaluxembourg.org
We look forward to seeing you.
Japanese Ladies’ Association of Luxembourg a.s.b.l.
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